Let's Get Serious About Your Money

Our online courses will help you take control of your finances and create the security and freedom youā€™ve been dreaming of.


Welcome to Financial PowHER!

We are two women, on a mission to change their corner of the world! With over 35 combined years of experience in finance and learning the inner workings of how to succeed in business, Heather and Larissa are sharing what they have seen, heard, and know so you can thrive in your business. 

Our courses will help you feel less stressed about finances so you can pursue your life goals and dreams.


Business Startup Checklist

Dreaming of starting your own business but don't know where to start. Sign up for our free business checklist to get started.


The Money School

Take control of your financial future with these comprehensive courses.

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Independent Contractor vs. Employee

Learn the difference between 1099 and W2 and how to use them properly.

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Business Budgeting

Learn how to budget for your business by following this step by step guide to accomplish your goals.

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Business Basics

Understand how a balance sheet and profit and loss statement will support your overall business goals.

Coming Soon

Choosing a business entity

Learn about the different types of business entities to classify your business correctly especially from a tax standpoint.

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Financial PowHer Advice

Get actionable financial advice delivered to your inbox.

Financial freedom is a journey. We will guide you through the journey with bite-sized advice.

You're safe with us. We will never spam you or sell your contact info.